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You are viewing Cheat Codes for SOCOM : U.S. Navy Seals: Combined Assault

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Game Name : SOCOM : U.S. Navy Seals: Combined Assault
System : Playstation 2
Date Added : 2007-04-10 11:56:37
Views : 52106

Complete mission 1
Right ahead from the beginning you wil see a drunk villager do not kill him or let him see you. Walk ahead and enter the large church on the left kill the enemies in side and go into one of the rooms where intel is. Walk back out of the room to the main part of the church and take your camera and snap a photo of the flag. go to the far room on the left side and open the door and shoot the guy on your right. Turn right after that and walk to the center of the village walk north and eventually you will find yourself at the generator. Dissable it and then leave. Walk through the buildings of the village and gather intel and then the mission is accomplished move to the extraction point and kill all the soldiers that are there.

Unlockable Badge bonuses
Collect the indicated number of badges to unlock the corresponding bonus.

Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Adjustable scopes6 badges
Defense Force Weapons sets15 badges
Enemy explosives30 badges
Enemy Explosives30 badges
Jukebox - Band and Clear21 badges
Jukebox - Boomer's Reprise15 badges
Jukebox - Catch and Release15 badges
Jukebox - Credits21 badges
Jukebox - Fireteam Bravo21 badges
Jukebox - Kariminal15 badges
Jukebox - Main Theme15 badges
Jukebox - Roll Over Adjikistan21 badges
Jukebox - The Infinite Soul21 badges
Jukebox - Urban Destruction21 badges
Mercenary Weapon sets21 badges
MM-1 Grenade Launcher32 badges
MM-I Grenade Launcher32 badges
Paramilitarty Heavy Weapons sets12 badges
Paramilitarty Light Weapons set9 badges
R44M gun27 badges
R44M Gun27 badges
Rebel Weapon sets18 badges
SEAL weapon set24 badges
Seal Weapons sets24 badges

How to Obtain all Badges
Obtaining badges will allow you to unlock items. Here's how to obtain all badges.

Unlockable:How to Unlock:
ABOVE AND BEYOND BADGEFinish all bonus objectives in campaign mode during your career
ANTI-ARMOR BADGEDestroy at least 20 vehicles during your career
BASTILLE BADGECapture at least 40 enemies during your career
CAPTURE BADGEFinish all CAPTURE Instant Action missions at any rank
COMMUNICATOR BADGEFinish all SOCOM: Combined Assault crosstalk objectives in campaign mode during your career
COVER OPS BADGEFinish the campaign with a cumalative stealth score greater than 300,00 points
DEFUSE BADGEFinish all DEFUSE Instant Action missions at any rank
DEMOLISH BADGEFinish all DEMOLISH Instant Action missions at any rank
DODGER BADGEFinish a mission with no team members downed and no medkit charges used
EFFICIENCY BADGEFinish the campaign with an elapsed time less than 7:00:00
ESCORT BADGEFinish all ESCORT Instant Action missions at any rank
EXEMPLARY RECORD BADGEFinish the campaign with a cumalitive performance score greater than 400,000 points
EXTRACT BADGEFinish all EXTRACT Instant Action missions at any rank
FIRST AID BADGEUse 40 medkit charges during your career
FROGMAN BADGEFinish the campaign at the rank of Commander or Higher
GRENADIER BADGENeutralize at least 40 enemies with explosives during your career
LIQUIDATOR BADGENeutralize at least 600 enemies during your career
MARKSMANSHIP BADGEFinish a mission with an accuracy rating greater than 85%
MELON HUNTER BADGENeutralize at least 150 enemies with headshots during your career
MERCY BADGEFinish a mission without killing any enemies
OVER ACHIEVER BADGEFinish all Instant Action missions on the rank of ADMIRAL
POQ BADGEFinish the campaign with an an elapsed time less than 4:30:00
RECOVER BADGEFinish all RECOVER Instant Action missions at any rank
SAUSAGE BADGEObtain all sausages in campaign mode during your career
SEAL BADGEFinish the campaign at the rank of Admiral
SECURE BADGEFinish all SECURE Instant Action missions at any rank
SHADOW OPERATOR BADGENeutralize at least 150 enemies undetected during your career
SUB-ROSA BADGEFinish a mission with a stealth score greater than 30,000 points
SUPPORT BADGEFinish all secondary objectives in campaign mode during your career
TRIDENT BADGEFinish the campaign with a total score greater than 1,200,000 points
TROPOLE BADGEFinish the campaign at the rank of Ensign or higher
UNSEEN STRIKE BADGENeutralize at least 20 enemies with knife attacks during your career

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SOCOM : U.S. Navy Seals: Combined Assault Cheats at A Cheat Codes
SOCOM : U.S. Navy Seals: Combined Assault Cheat Codes at Cheat Patch

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